Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Overanalyzing 2

I called... for the Nth time. He answered.

I was mad but still, I controlled my temper.

I said, "You have no reason not to answer the phone last night."  Painfully mustering all my self control.

He reasoned out, "I pulled a double shift."

I replied, "You have no reason not to answer the phone last night."

He explained, "I was so tired."

I answered back, "You have no reason not to answer the phone last night. Period!"

Then there was silence. I guess he got my point.

"Come here... please"


I arrived one and a half hours later on a travel time that could have only took 30 minutes at the longest. I did it on purpose.

I arrived at his place. I was greeted first by his dogs.
We both fell quiet for what it feels like forever.

He said the same shit. I answered back with the same crap.

I stood up and told him I'm going home.

He begged me to stay for a while longer. I did.

He hugged me. I hugged him back, his hug tighter than mine.

He said sorry.

And then he cried. I didn't.

I guess I already cried myself dry. Thanks to my Ex. I can hear my imaginary i-pod playing Rihanna's “Take a Bow”.

But still, I was touched, yet again.

He kissed me.

Somehow, the sweet tingling sensation isn't there.

Mavie... strike two!

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