Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Coming Out of the Military Closet

An airman tells his dad he is gay as ‘don’t ask’ policy of the US Military disappears.

The military's ban on openly gay service officially ended yesterday and already one member of the Air Force has shared a video of his personal journey out of the closet.

A 21-year-old servicemember who had been keeping an anonymous VLog about his quest to come out to his girlfriend, family, and comrades posted a video of his call to his father this morning to tell him he is gay. His father pauses before saying, "I still love you son. Doesn't change our relationship."

Watching this video made me hopeful that soon, "discrimination" is going to be nothing but a footnote.


  1. The guy didn't even cry but I was touched. Too tough to admit but he still did it.

  2. I agree! Here's a hero. Not just to his country but to his kind too!
